Colchester Baptist Church

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Your Gift

Recently, I’ve been reminded that putting to use the gift I’ve been born with should feel easy-that obtaining the desired results from utilising the talent God put in me should not feel like a constant struggle to achieve the sought after outcomes. 

However, this makes one cannot help but wonder … 

Is the place that I am in today exploring my one highest gift ? 

Am I effortlessly bringing my talent to fruition by serving others with it ? 

Whilst in no way encouraging anyone to take things lightly, not considering the impact of non-thoughtful actions as utilising their gifts should feel easy, I simply want you to consider just how much of what you achieve in your life, in your jobs, is achieved only through the means of blood, sweat and tears – oh yes, I did say that! 

Also, just because it feels easy to you, do not be tempted to dismiss it and believe that only bracing difficulties make life worth living. No one else can do what you can do best when using your gifts.

Just because we’re good at something, highly skilled in a certain area but have no true satisfaction out of it but you can say at the end of the day you’ve ticked all the boxes that go with the job description, it doesn’t mean you are putting to use your true gift and talent that God gave you.

How do you know if you are serving others whilst using your one and unique talent to the fullest ?

When it feels easy, when you feel you’ve accomplished something at the end of the day, when you can see how your actions are serving others, when you know and feel that everyday is not just an endless checklist requiring all your effort, energy and emotional strength to just ‘get through the day’ and at the end to be able to say to yourself ‘that’s a job well-done’.

God’s yoke is easy and although everything we do we must do as if done for God and not for the people (your boss, your manager etc.) , when fully using our gift (not just skills) we should feel that we truly are living this life with purpose, as well as ease.

This post was originally published here: The Daily Noesis Blog